Water Borek

Water Borek

Zutaten Für 4 Personen:


1 kg of flour
200 ml milk
3 eggs
400 gr white cheese
20 gr butter
5 gr salt
6 sprigs of parsley
To boil:
1,2 L hot water


1 kg of flour
200 ml milk
3 eggs
400 gr white cheese
20 gr butter
5 gr salt
6 sprigs of parsley
To boil:
1,2 L hot water


Take the flour into a bowl. Add the egg, milk and salt to the middle and knead the dough for about 5 minutes until it reaches the consistency of the earlobe. Cut the dough into thick slices. Roll the dough slices and roll them as thin as possible with a rolling pin. Boil water in a pot. Divide the dough into two or four pieces according to the size of the pot. Boil the dough in boiling water for 2 minutes. Remove the scalded dough with a colander. Fill cold water into a large bowl and put the dough in cold water. For filling; chop the parsley, mix thoroughly with crushed feta cheese. Melt the butter in a bowl. Cool the whole un-boiled dough into the bottom of the oven pan. Tear off half of the other boiled dough and put in the tray. When you come to the middle of the dough, sprinkle the inner material to the intermediate floor. Spread the left dough on the inner material by tearing off and lubricating them. After putting last uncooked dough to the top, bake the borek in a preheated 160 degree oven around 30 minutes until the dough is browned. After taking the borek out of the oven, rest it for 10 to 15 minutes, then serve by slicing.