SUNTAT Halal Products

A Matter of Trust: SUNTAT Halal Products

More than four million Muslims live in Germany and the demand for Halal foods is unceasingly rising. Halal products currently account for almost 17 percent of global food production and the market continues to grow. But what is meant by Halal? – Translated, “halal” means as much as “allowed”. Halal products are foods that comply with Islamic religious and cultural dietary laws. According to the Koran, Muslims are not allowed to eat pork. The meat of other animals, such as beef or chicken, is only “halal” if the animals are kept and slaughtered according to the Islamic rite. However, at first glance meatless foods are also affected by the regulations, for example confectionery containing pork-derived gelatine or finished products containing appropriate edible fats, emulsifiers or even alcohol and certain flavorings.If you value a diet that conforms to your religion, you need reliable products.

SUNTAT has been offering a wide variety of HALAL products for years. They are regarded as the currently highest-selling products among the HALAL products offered in the German-Turkish food trade. Although there are already a number of institutes in Germany that check foods on ingredients and methods of slaughtering and keeping animals that are banned for Muslims, they also label them accordingly. However, there are currently no binding standards and an official certificate. Ultimately, this is the basis for trust in the manufacturer. SUNTAT, with its good name, insists that the company’s own products bearing the appropriate seal of quality have been tested by an independent institute and comply with Halal’s guidelines for food.

SUNTAT Halal Products