Stuffed Dried Eggplant
Zutaten Für 4 Personen:
In arbeit…
Put half of the water in a pot and add dried eggplants. Boil for 10 minutes till eggplants get softer. For filling; chop the onion very small and put in a bowl. Chop garlic, carrot, green beans, tomato, peppers, eggplant and zucchini into little cubes. Chop the fresh mint and walnut very small. Then add all of them to the onion. Add the rice, sugar, salt, balck pepper, tomato paste, pomegranate syrup and mix the bowl. Wash the dried eggplants with cold water, drain and fill them with the filling that you prepared. Put them in a pot and pour rest of the water on them. Cook for 30 minutes. Serve hot or warm as you wish.
Bon Appetite!