Weißen Bohnen Salat

White Bean Salad

Zutaten Für 4 Personen:


250 gr white beans
2 green peppers
1 big size onion
1/2 bund parsley
30 ml olive oil
1 lemon
20 ml vinegar
6 cherry tomatoes
Salt (optional)


250 gr white beans
2 green peppers
1 big size onion
1/2 bund parsley
30 ml olive oil
1 lemon
20 ml vinegar
6 cherry tomatoes
Salt (optional)


Put the beans into water the night before. Boil the beans at high fire until benas get soft. Drain the let them cool. Slice peppers and onions very thin and chop the parsley very small. Add the  juice of lemon, vinegar, salt, peppers, onions and parsley to beans. Take the salad to a serving ball. Slice the tomatoes to half and garnish the salad.

Bon Appetite!