Leek Meatballs

Leek Meatballs

Zutaten Für 4 Personen:

In arbeit…

Wash the leek, peel the outer leaves and chop the rest very thin. Boil the water in a deep pot, add the leek and cook for 30 minutes till leek gets softer. Drain the water of leek. Put the ground beef in a bowl and add salt,black pepper, wetted slice of bread and mix the bowl. Add the leek and keep mixing by crashing the leek. Add flour and bread crumbs slowly and mix meanwhile. To use for frying; put the egg and water in another bowl and mix with a fork. Take little pieces from meatball mixture as big as a walnut and press them between your palms to shape. Dip the meatballs into flour that you already put in a bowl, then cover them with the egg mixture. Put the sunflower oil to a pan and fry with meetballs.
Bon Appetite!