Chicken Soup with Angel Hair
Zutaten Für 4 Personen:
In arbeit…
Boil 2/5 of the hot water in a pot. Put the chicken breast into hot water and let it boil on medium fire for 30 minutes. Drain the boiling water of chicken to another pot and add 3/10 of the hot water on it. Add the angel hair and cook for 5 minutes. For dressing; put yoghurt, flour, eggs and 1/5 of the hot water in a big bowl and mix them. Drain the dressing into soup. Add rest of the water and boil the soup. Tease out the boiled chicken on a plate. Add the teased out chicken, salt and black pepper to soup. Melt the butter in a pan, add the chili pepper and mix them. Pour the butter-chili mixture to soup. Serve hot.
Bon Appetite!