Filled Zucchini

Filled Zucchini

Zutaten Für 4 Personen:

In arbeit…

Put the fine bulgur in a big oval bowl. Add the hot water onto bulgur and wait 5 minutes. Paprika, salt, black pepper and ground beef to fine bulgur. Chop the basil very thin and the onion very small. Mix all the ingredients very well. Peel the zucchinis, slices them 3 cm and carve them without make a whole at the end of the pieces. Take little pieces from the mixture (size of a walnut) and squeeze them in your palms. Place the pieces into carved zucchinies and put them in a pot without leaving any gap between them. Pour the sunflower oil into pot. Pout the hot water into the pot. Cook for 35 minutes with a lid. Dress the garlic cloves and mix it with yoghurt. Place the zucchinis on a serving plate and garnish with garlic yoghurt.
Bon Appetite!