BLG Kardesler GmbH-Mannheim

BLG Kardesler GmbH-Mannheim

The main headquarter in Europe on a 27,000 m² site, it also includes the European central warehouse of 15,000 m², of which 2,500 m² will be used as a cold store. The capacity of the warehouse is suitable for 20,000 pallets.

Mannheim is the sales center in Europe.

Operations Manager: Doğan Karadağ
CEOs: Mustafa Baklan and Kadir Baklan

BLG Kardesler Lebensmittel-Handelsgesellschaft mbH
Wattstraße. 2-10
D-68199 Mannheim
Tel.: +49 (0) 621/83388-0
Fax: +49 (0) 621/83388-99
[email protected]

Municipal Court Mannheim, HRB 5897
UST-ID-Nr.: DE 811322774
GLN: 42500809 00004